At Battersea Arts Centre
Thu 12 April
At Shoreditch Town Hall
Mon 23 & Thu 26 April
At Battersea Arts Centre
7.30pm followed by PALMYRA at 9pm
At Shoreditch Town Hall
7.45pm followed by PALMYRA at 9.15pm
£15 (full price); £12.50 (concessions) (EUROHOUSE)
£19 (full price); £15 (concessions) (EUROHOUSE & PAMLYRA double bill)
Theatre & Performance
Council Chamber
"Bienvenue. Kalosórisma. Welcome. We are so happy to see you all here. Some of you we know rather well, some of you we don't."
Two performers – one Greek, one French – dance and shout, cry and sing, agree and disagree, about life in the Eurohouse.
A darkly comic look at the EU’s founding ideals and what got lost along the way.
Made in transit between Greece and the UK, EUROHOUSE has played over 50 performances across the UK. It premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2016 where it won a Summerhall Award and was nominated for a Total Theatre Award.