Monday 8 - Friday 12 January
10am - 5pm
£275 (full price); £250 (concessions)
Workshops & Learning
Large Committee Room
To have an idea; to hesitate and stop; to question; to decide; to stop again and doubt; to check... The actor on stage lives through all these different ways of thinking second by second. The challenge is to allow all these inner impulses and ideas to flow into expression and become visible to the audience.
In this week-long workshop designed for professional and semi-professional performers, participants will immerse in Theatre Re's vital approach to Etienne Decroux's Corporeal Mime and explore how to give physical shape and theatrical rhythm to these impulses.
Guillaume Pigé is an actor, director, mime and magician. He formed Theatre Re in 2009 and has been directing and performing in all the company's productions to date. He is also an Associate Teacher at R.A.D.A and is regularly invited to give workshops in the UK and internationally.