Mon 25 - Fri 29 January 2021
10am - 5pm
£255; £230 (concessions)
10am - 4.45pm each day
Workshop & Learning
Due to the recent Government announcement about the COVID-19 pandemic, this workshop series will now be taking place online. We will be in touch with ticket holders shortly.
The artist is constantly using their work to help people to ‘see again’, ‘think again’ and ‘feel again’. Central to the artist’s process is learning through experience, exploration and expression.
Led by David Glass, this 5-day intensive online workshop, will be exploring Devised Object Theatre, rooted in physical and image-based theatre and storytelling. The workshop will combine skill and technical practice with explorative, experience-based investigations into movement and drama.
Using his Alchemy-Extraordinary five-stage devising process we will start from the body to explore principles of spatial dynamics, the three emotional centres of the body, the basic grammar of movement, fixed points, élan, the elements of nature and the struggle of pushing and pulling.
The workshops will take place on Zoom. You will be sent the link ahead of the workshop week. Each day will consist of 4 x 90 minute sessions, with 15 minute breaks in between.
David Glass is an award-winning solo performer, theatre director, writer, designer, lighting designer, filmmaker, teacher and creative thinker. He is one of the principal founders of the Physical/Visual, Devised, Ensemble and Applied Theatre movements. David is a leading international theatre teacher and has taught and influenced three generations of theatre makers in 73 countries.
For people with some previous performance experience, either as theatre students or as professionals.
“David is one of the great teachers and artists of our time who has never been afraid to examine truth in all its manifestations; both beautiful and ugly, and has touched thousands of souls in a life-long quest to connect and build meaningful relationships” Amit Lahav, Artistic Director, Gecko
In the event of a tighter lockdown in January, the leaders of all live LIMF workshops have made contingency plans to move their courses online. Before booking a place, participants should ensure that they would have stable internet access and a space in which to work, should that eventuality arise, as refunds cannot be given resulting from a change in the teaching delivery method.