As a women-led venue, we are thrilled to be working with so many amazing women across our team and to be supporting a range of women-led works in our Spring programme this year. To celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting this team of fantastic women. Next up is Lex Jeffreys, a fantastic member of our board here at Shoreditch Town Hall.
Can you introduce yourself, and tell us a little about what you do for your job.
I’m Lex, one of the trustees at Shoreditch Town Hall. I’m an energy finance lawyer at a global law firm – I help my clients build power projects in emerging markets.
What do you enjoy about working with STH?
The best thing about working at the town hall is undoubtedly the people! The passionate and talented senior management team and staff, dedicated and diverse board and of course, our truly brilliant (female!) CEO Julie Flavell and Chair Emma Stenning.
What values of STH do you feel connect with you the most?
Resilience – being an agile, resilient organisation is essential for ensuring that the inspiring work put on by Shoreditch Town Hall can be enjoyed for many, many years to come.
Welcoming – we are a friendly, welcoming venue. Come and check us out!!
Can you tell us about a woman who has inspired your journey in some way?
There are so many women I could refer to here. Currently I’m taking inspiration from my two and four year old daughters. They’re fearless, curious, energetic, kind and have strong opinions that they’re not afraid to voice.
What’s your favourite Shoreditch Town Hall show/event have you attended?
Oh my gosh, how do I choose?! We put on such a variety of performances. Recently, I loved Goliath: Playing with Reality (a poignant VR experience). But also The Nature of Forgetting (I couldn’t stop crying), Gastronomic (set in an Airbus A380 with AR and real food) and anything from Ockham’s Razor.
What are you most looking forward to in our Spring Season?
Definitely the DARKFIELD at The Ditch series!
Thanks so much Lex! To read our other Women’s History Month blogs, click here.